New Church Exclusive To Celebrities Opened in Nairobi

July 16, 2013

Celebrities have a new church in town. The All-Star Church, Nairobi opened its doors one week ago and as the name suggests, it will be a church for stars.

The church will use a hall at the Laico Regency hotel in the CBD. It is targeting musicians, actors, sports stars, top politicians and corporate chiefs.
Speaking to the Nairobian newspaper, Cathrine Munene, a senior pastor said that the church is for “high-end Christians who cannot go to River Road churches.”

During the inauguration of the church on 7th July, Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero was scheduled to attend, but instead went to the Sokotoko marathon. 

All-Star Church will face competition for big names, from established churches like Mavuno, Nairobi Pentecostal (Valley Road), and Jesus Celebration Centre (JCC), which always attract the who’s who.

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