Open Letter To Kethi Kilonzo From Kisumu – Hilarious

April 2, 2013
Dear Counsel Kethi,

My lady, it gives me great pleasure to humbly submit my greetings to you pursuant to article love cap

emotions section feelings. i know you lack knowledge of my existence but i would like you in your fullness of time to reconsider that position. kindly expunge from your romantic records any human being possessing my gender because i would like to file a petition to your heart supported by a 900 page affidavit, as well as video, audio and any other visually stimulating evidences like my Prado, my Samsung galaxie etc etc. be that as it may, I would have mentioned all of them but the stop clock is blinking. 

Without partiality accept the following submissions; you give me intellectual orgasm whenever you expunge legal material from your educated brain via you eloquent mouth. Whatever you will ask of me, i will have nothing useful to add. 

Miss kilonzo yawa i love you like oraro loves law, without oraro there can be nolaw nyathiwa; without you there can be no me. JABER, please be a friend of my heart, or what in your legal quarters referring to as amicusheartae-and that is my humblest submission.

My learned love, will you be my learned wife??


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