Balotelli Gatecrashes Inter Milan Press Conference.

March 27, 2012

Why always him?

Marion Balotelli always finds a way to be in the news. His latest being where he gate-crashed an Inter Milan press conference. As Inter CEO Ernesto Paolillo was unveiling the new manager, Andrea Stramaccion, Balotelli walked in, shook the hands of those at the top table, and left. Meanwhile, his red Ferrari was parked outside. Inter CEO said that its not unusual for Mario to pay his former club a visit. He said, 

‘He came to say hello to everybody at the training centre then left,We did not know he was coming but it’s not the first time. It’s typical of Mario. I see him sometimes when he comes to Milan.” 

On the Ferrari, Ernesto said, ‘I did not see the Ferrari as I was inside the press conference unveiling our new coach Andrea. We kissed hello and he left. We had no time to speak. I’ve known him at Inter since he was a young boy.’

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