‘To Hell With Your Nonsense,’ Sonko Blasts Journalist Over Pangani Evictions

July 18, 2019

After being dissed by Zari, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has appeared to take his frustrations out on a journalist.

The County CEO on Wednesday morning scolded business journalist Juma G on Twitter for posing questions regarding the Pangani evictions carried out on Monday night.

Juma G had faulted the county government for carrying out the evictions in an inhumane manner.

“Dear MikeSonko, the brutal eviction of residents of Pangani at midnight was unjustifiable. Some of those evicted were never paid. Officials say they were paid but no money reached them. People are now stranded with nowhere to go. Must a demolition be carried out at midnight?” posed Juma.

Adding, “Why should people be evicted at midnight without warning? Why should people’s property be crashed in houses? Even animals can think better. What is wrong with people in this government? What happened at Pangani is so unfortunate and a shame!”

In response, Sonko told off the journalist and stated that the residents who were not paid refused to take the compensation money.

“Take your NONSENSE to hell. Those not paid are the ones who refused to take the money, and we are not going to pay them. Let them go to court. We shall not allow development plans to be politicized.”

Sonko also posted a picture of a woman holding a cheque, perhaps as evidence that Pangani residents were compensated.

Earlier on Tuesday, Sonko said 48 families in the Pangani evictions had been allocated units in the new houses the county government is set to put up in the next two years.

“The court did not issue any orders restraining us from starting this project. Since we had served them with notices. We have no regrets or apologies to make.

“However, our offer still stands, and I hereby again repeat myself that all the old tenants shall be the first ones to occupy the new units. They are all landlords in waiting,” Sonko stated.

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