Dj Pierra Makena and Mimmo At War?

March 31, 2014

Mimmo1Rumours have it that Musician Mimmo and Dj Pierra Makena can’t stand each other anymore despite having been friends for a long time. It is alleged that the two fell out over a man. Mimmo is said have vacated the three bedroom house she shared with Pierra in Lavington.
Pierra has however come out to refute the claims saying, ”Mimmo and I are still good friends .We only stopped living together because my siblings came to study in Nairobi and I did not want to infringe on her privacy by involving my clan in our shared apartment.” Pierra went ahead to prove that they were still friends by adding, ”Mimmo sleeps over in my house like every other day. I don’t think we can ever clash over a man seeing that we have quite different tastes.”
When Mimmo was reached for comments about the issue she contradicted Pierra’s views by admitting they actually have mild fights at times. ”It is true that Pierra and I fight . We can even go for three weeks without talking. But fighting over a man is ridiculous,” she said. Mimmo acknowledged that she has a thing for light-skinned men. Pierra and Mimmo moved together years back in a posh apartment in lavington. During the opening of their house the two invited the media and showbiz personalities including former aspirant Jimnah mbaru.
Additional reporting by Nairobian

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