Diamond’s Success Secrets Revealed

March 19, 2014

diamond-platnumzIs success a male chauvinist? Does it favor men to women, or women to men?
Is it racist? Does it favour whites to blacks, or blacks to whites?
Is it money oriented? Does it favour the rich and despise the poor, or vise versa?
Is it determined by hard work or is it destined?
Or is it fair, lenient to none and neutral to all?
(Now that’s poetic justice right there, I could give Kendrick and Drake a run for their money so you better watch this space)
Anyway, these are some of the questions that people ask themselves especially when you can’t seem to cut through no matter what you do and as Kanye says , that could mess up your whole life like an Uncle that touched you. See what I did there? Am that good.
If you are in search a situation, Diamond has some advice for you and it’s quite simple, work hard, pray and wait, it is just a matter of time.
He posted a photo of him in one of his first videos, ntarejea, followed by the following words of wisdom.

Haijalishi ni kiasi gani unayaona maisha yako kuwa ni mabaya,..usikate tamaa ,kuna watu hawana viungo vyote vya mwili kama wewe,but Mungu Kakupa,unakula milo miwili,mitatu hata mmoja kwa siku,lakini kuna mtu sehemu anatamani ale tu hata hicho unachokibakiza mezani.
kuna mtu hana kitu kabisa,ana fight japo aendelee kuishi tu.Usikate tamaa siku zote amka ukiwa na moyo wa kusamehe,kushukuru kwa kila jambo na zaidi,appreciate kwa chochote Mungu anachokubaliki,Zingatia…MAFANIKIO NI LAZIMA KWA KILA ANAEFANYA KAZI KWA BIDII NA UAMINIFU.

Those are words coming from a man who demands a million shillings per show so you better take them seriously.

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