BEWARE of This New Con Trick In Town Admin im one mad person n i want to expose something that is going around in town and nipoa watu kichanuana. there is a March 24, 2013 lifestyle
Charles Njonjo’s Son Buys Range Rover Worth Sh 15 Million Reports doing rounds are that a son to former powerful attorney general Charles Njonjo has just dropped a brand new Range Rover Sport; the March 20, 2013 featured·gossip·lifestyle·TV
10 Things That Turn Guys off 1. A Closed mind: A lady who is not prepared to listen to a guy and strongly believes that she is the only sane person February 26, 2013 lifestyle
Strictly Ladies Only: How To Know If He’s The One 1. After dating for like 6months or more, ask him if he knows ur birthday. If he does, he is attentive and sensitive. Keep February 24, 2013 lifestyle
This Love Story Will Make You Shed Tears A guy promised his girlfriend that he would buy her a diamond ringas her birthday gift. The girl was very happy. She went to February 20, 2013 lifestyle
Emotional Infidelity: 18 Signs You’re Crossing The Line In this day and age, most of us have friends of the opposite sex, whether they are co-workers, casual acquaintances or close confidantes. The February 19, 2013 lifestyle
Open Letter To All Married Women Calling Maina And King’ang’i In The Morning LETTER TO that MARRIED WOMAN…. Morning Married Woman, I heard You call into the Maina Kageni Classic 105 show, I heard You lamenting about February 7, 2013 featured·lifestyle
5 Signs It Will Not Work From The First Date 1. Your date does not pay attention to youThere will be a big problem to do with attention if:-your date keeps referring to you February 7, 2013 lifestyle
7 Tips On How to Kiss a Guy For The First Time 1. Avoid being nervousFirst kiss can make you nervous. If you stress out, then everything can go wrong. Just relax and enjoy the moment. January 22, 2013 lifestyle
5 Skills That Impress Women Women like a man who is confident in his abilities and can take care of himself (and them too if the need arises). They January 16, 2013 lifestyle
Top 10 Rejection Lines – For Both Male And Female Top 10 Female rejection lines… 1. I think of you as a brother. Translation: You give me the creeps. 2. There’s a slight difference in our January 16, 2013 Humour·lifestyle
10 Things Women Find Unattractive In Men Guys spend a lot of time trying to figure out what attracts women. Unfortunately a lot of them are still confused about what characteristics January 16, 2013 lifestyle
10 Signs She’ll Make A Bad Wife If you’re thinking of asking your girlfriend to become your wife, deciding if you’re ready to make the commitment to marriage is only half January 16, 2013 lifestyle
10 Signs of A Desperate Man 1. Dropping your standardsDesperate men are prepared to drop their dating standards to fill the huge emotional void in their life. Whether they want January 15, 2013 lifestyle
10 Types of Women To Avoid Dating 1. The ChatterboxThis is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seemingly only concerned about what is going on in her January 15, 2013 lifestyle·ZE
13 Kinds of Women Likely To Cheat on Their Mate Easily bored: A woman who is easily bored may cheat on her mate just to add some excitement to her life, or alleviate her January 14, 2013 lifestyle
This Woman Refused To Abort Her Deformed Baby Despite Doctors’ Advice… Inspirational A MUM ignored advice to abort her severely disabled son after seeing this 3D scan of him. The amazing image convinced Katyia Rowe to January 14, 2013 lifestyle
12 Reasons Why Women Don’t Date Nice Guys 1. Not real. Nice guys are too nice. No one can always be that nice unless they’re a saint. They are busy being nice instead January 9, 2013 lifestyle
How To Be A Good Boyfriend #1 Treat her like a ladyBoyfriends aren’t born great. They become good boyfriends by knowing how to behave with women and the girl they January 9, 2013 lifestyle
50 Romantic Things To Do For Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend 1. Watch the sunset together. 2. Whisper to each other. 3. Cook for each other. 4. Walk in the rain. 5. Hold hands 6. January 9, 2013 lifestyle