Kalonzo Now in Agreement with Gen Z, “No Dialogue, Just Action”

July 11, 2024

On Wednesday, Kalonzo Musyoka unequivocally opposed engaging in dialogue, countering President William Ruto and Azimio leader Raila’s announcement of a forthcoming 6-day national dialogue under the National Multi-Sectoral Forum.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Kalonzo affirmed Wiper Party’s solidarity with Gen Z, who had criticized Raila for supporting the multi-sectoral forum. Gen Z asserted their autonomy from ethnic affiliations, political parties, and current leadership, declaring that no existing political entity represents their interests.

Kalonzo emphasized that Wiper Party would abstain from participating in any dialogue initiatives.

“In terms of the Gen Z revolution, it appears that the administration lacks an understanding of public sentiment. Generation Z does not wish to engage in dialogue. They want action and Wiper agrees,” Kalonzo asserted.

Regarding national issues, Kalonzo suggested that the government could have averted the country’s current challenges by addressing the cost of living and implementing recommendations from the National Dialogue Committee (Nadco).

He stressed that critical governmental projects should proceed without the necessity of dialogue.

“You don’t need dialogue. Dialogue is not required to assess public debt because the Auditor General’s Office has the same role. The attempt to usurp the Constitution by forming a Task Force on the subject is equally telling. You do not need dialogue to post medical interns or to sack corrupt government officials,” Kalonzo argued.

“The dialogue demanded by Gen Z and Kenyans includes dissolving Parliament, calling for snap elections, and requiring Ruto to step downn. The Wiper Democratic Movement agrees,” he added.

Kalonzo also affirmed Wiper’s commitment to engaging with young Kenyans through various platforms, encouraging young Wiper Democrats to lead discussions on social media and extend invitations to him and other party leaders.

“We want you to take the lead in shaping the conversation here and on the national platform,” Kalonzo emphasized.

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