Health Ministry Proceeds with Placement of 552 Interns Despite Protests

July 11, 2024

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha announced on Wednesday that the Ministry will immediately deploy at least 552 medical interns while ongoing discussions within the government aim to secure additional resources.

In her statement, issued on Wednesday, the CS highlighted the Ministry’s plan to usee funds allocated in the current financial year to gradually deploy interns.

“The court case notwithstanding, the parties agreed to continue pursuing a consensus position within 60 days that ended on Sunday, July 7th, 2024, as a means of unlocking the stalemate out of court,” Nakhumicha stated.

“So far, numerous meetings have been held with good progress made towards achieving consensus. Both parties agree on the urgent need to post the interns without further delay,” she added.

Nakhumicha also highlighted that the ministry is considering several options. These include deploying all medical interns at the recommended SRC stipend rate of Kes.70,000 per month, awaiting the court’s decision on September 26, and deploying interns in batches using funds allocated in the 2024/2025 financial year budget as per the CBA rates.

She noted that the recent 56-day doctors’ strike concluded with a Return-to-Work Formula agreement, which included proposals to resolve the impasse on the deployment of 1,210 medical interns.

Since January 2023, the Ministry has reportedly deployed 4,156 interns across six cadres, including 1,735 doctors (1,214 medical officers), 496 pharmacists, and 25 dentists, at a monthly rate of Kes.206,400.

Additionally, there are 874 nurses, 506 degree clinical officers, and 1,930 diploma clinical officers awaiting deployment as of today, with a total budget allocation of Kes.3.7 billion for internships in the 2024/2025 financial year, Nakhumicha explained

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