
Linturi: No Funds Available to Compensate Flood-Affected Farmers

May 23, 2024

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi disclosed that the government lacks the budget to compensate farmers who lost crops and livestock to flash floods and rains that devastated the country.

Speaking before the Senate, Linturi mentioned that the Ministry has not yet assessed the full extent of flood damage to determine any potential actions.

The floods have claimed over 200 lives, displaced more than 200,000 people, and severely impacted farmers. The Ministry of Agriculture reported that floods have destroyed 33,000 hectares of crops nationwide.

His remarks came just days after Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr. Paul Ronoh stated that the government would find a way to compensate farmers whose crops were destroyed by the floods.

Earlier this month, Dr. Ronoh also assured farmers that the government would seek compensation methods for those affected by the floods.

However, Linturi clarified that compensation is not feasible due to budgetary constraints, despite sympathizing with the affected farmers.

Linturi also noted that the Ministry is still assessing the damage in some areas, which remain flooded, and highlighted Tana River County as one of the worst-hit regions.

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