The Day Size 8 Called a Divorce Lawyer: ‘I Wanted to Take the Children’

March 6, 2024

Singer-turned-preacher Linet Munyali, better known as Size 8, recalled an instance when she considered divorcing DJ Mo.

Speaking on their reality show ‘Love in the Wild’ Size 8 opened up about the challenges she DJ Mo have faced in their marriage. She recounted a tumultuous period where divorce seemed imminent, prompting her to seek the services of a divorce lawyer.

Size 8 spoke of reaching a point of hopelessness and despair, where divorce appeared to be the only solution. The mother of two even expressed to her lawyer her intent to take custody of their children.

“I reached a place where I felt hopeless, where I saw a point of no return, and I think depression kind of kicked in. So I wasn’t thinking straight. I didn’t see a way out, so I decided to call a divorce lawyer and told him I want to divorce, I want to take the children, so I asked him to start considering the paperwork,” she said.

Upon learning of Size 8’s consultation with a divorce lawyer through a WhatsApp message, DJ Mo expressed shock. He recounted feeling confused by his wife’s decision and struggled to understand the root causes behind her drastic step.

Despite his initial disbelief, DJ Mo remained open to dialogue and reconciliation.

Size 8 recalled the role played by her mother-in-law and a church retreat in changing her mind.

“What made me change my mind was, first, I spoke to his mother, and she told me, ‘You’re very angry, don’t rush.’ Then there was the church retreat. So I decided to give my marriage one more chance and see if he’s willing to work on it,” she said.

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