
Sakaja Requests Police Assistance in Nairobi City Cleanup Efforts

March 13, 2024

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has decried the lack of enough support from the police in restoring order in the county.

In his first meeting with National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) and National Police Service (NPS) personnel drawn from Nairobi County, Sakaja highlighted the challenges faced in his administration’s clean-up endeavors.

The Governor pointed a finger at the contractors responsible for cleaning the city, accusing them of improperly disposing of waste along the roads and in estates.

According to Sakaja, certain garbage truck drivers are unwilling to endure the lengthy queues at the designated Dandora dumping site.

“It is good to understand because they don’t gain anything by going all the way to Dandora. But they will go and dump at night in a field, or they will dump on the road so that they can do more trips. If we help each other on that, we will reduce the city being dirty,” Sakaja urged the officers.

Nairobi Receiving Global Attention

In the meeting, the governor emphasized that the relocation of UNICEF and UNFPA, coupled with the global attention Nairobi city is receiving, demands the full attention it deserves.

The gathering, held at the Kenya School of Government, drew county leadership and the police, with Regional Police Commander Mr. Adamson Bungei, Regional Commissioner Katee Mwanza, County Commissioner David Wanyonyi, all Nairobi OCPDs, OCSs, DCCs, and ACCs in attendance.

“We must now get to work to ensure our city which is the capital of our beloved country Kenya, functions like other leading cities of the World in order for us to continue attracting businesses, investments and tourism.”

Governor Sakaja announced that additional meetings would be arranged, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) would be formulated to guide operations at the sub-county level.

He reiterated that the ongoing crackdown on liquor outlets will continue until all outlets within Matatu termini are shut down to prevent frequent accidents linked to drunk driving.

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