
‘Sultana’ Actress Winnie Bwire Rebukes False Death Announcement on Social Media

January 17, 2024

Actress Winnie Bwire has expressed dismay at the circulating reports of her death on social media.

The popular ‘Sultana; actor, who is battling metastatic breast cancer, shared a screengrab of a notice proclaiming her death, urging her fans to assist in reporting the individuals spreading the false rumors.

“Anyone who knows these people please report them and have them pull this post down. I have reported it but it is still up,” Bwire wrote.

Adding: “I’m not sure what nincompoop would start such a rumour especially when they don’t know me on a personal level nor have they been with me on this journey.”

The actress further asserted that she is continuing her cancer treatment while anticipating traveling abroad for specialized care.

I’m very much ALIVE and progressing well on treatment as I await to travel for further specialized treatment hence the fundraiser,” Bwire said.

RELATED – Things To Know About ‘Sultana’ Actress Winfred Bwire

Expressing confidence, Bwire further affirmed her belief that she would be healed by the grace of Jesus Christ.

I WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE! The resurrection power of CHRIST is alive in me, and I am free and healed in Jesus name! And if it’s just to make your page TREND- Karma is a B. Don’t mess with it. Gosh I’m so angry!!!! NB: Before copy-pasting and sharing such sensitive matters, try confirm its legitimacy first. Be weary of your sources,” she cautioned.

On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, Bwire announced a public appeal for financial assistance for her cancer treatment, seeking to raise Sh7 Million.

“Dear Humans, It’s my prayer your Christmas holidays are coming along just great.I come to you, seeking support to help me get further medical attention overseas that’s required to save my life 😊,” she wrote.

“Please take a moment to stand with me on this journey of recovery by donating anything you can to help me reach the required goal of 7 million Ksh. Your support will be highly valued. God Bless you. Regards, B.❤️☺️ #bwirendubi,” the actor said.

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