Esther Kazungu Shares Valuable Lessons Learned from Marriage

November 1, 2023

Content creator Esther Kazungu shared that the most significant lesson she has gained from her marriage is its humbling nature.

In a rapid-fire session with Mpasho on October 29, the digital activist shared valuable insights on humility and compromise, as well as tips for a successful marriage.

Kazungu emphasized the importance of compromise and cultivating a sense of friendship as crucial elements in sustaining a smooth and harmonious relationship.

“It(Marriage) can humble you. But it’s a lot of compromise and just meeting halfway. At the end of it all, when you guys are friends, it’s very smooth,” she said.

According to Kazungu, the key lies in discovering common ground and operating collaboratively as a team rather than adversaries.

Kazungu discussed the importance of communication in a thriving marriage, cautioning against making assumptions, and expecting partners to be telepathic.

Instead, she advocates for open and honest communication, providing each other the space to express thoughts and feelings.

“Communication is key. Don’t assume your partner is telepathic Always communicate everything and also give them a chance to communicate. You’re a team and not fighting each other,” she said.

Esther Kazungu is married to James Kibunjah; the couple formalized their relationship in 2021 after six years of dating.

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