‘We thank God!’ President Ruto says there will be no El-nino Rains

October 23, 2023

President William Ruto announced that, based on an expert evaluation from the Kenya Meteorological Department, the country will not experience El Niño rains.

Speaking to a congregation during a Sunday church service in Riruta, Ruto said that meteorologists had reversed their initial forecast, negating the likelihood of devastating El Niño rains.

President Ruto expressed gratitude to God, noting that the country will only experience heavy rains.

“We heard reports that the country will experience El Nino rains, which have the potential to destroy property. But God has been faithful,” the president said.

“We have now heard the meteorologists saying that will no longer be the case. We will just have heavy rains. We thank God.”

President Ruto attributed the alteration in weather patterns to his administration’s faith in God and the prayers conducted at Nyayo Stadium.

“There are those who criticised us when we prayed for rains at Nyayo stadium. They said a whole president is praying for rain. Now see, we have more rains than we have had in four years, that is God’s doing,” said the president.

Ruto said his government intends to capitalize on the rains to enhance agricultural productivity, with a view to reducing the cost of living.

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