President Ruto moves land valuation responsibilities to Lands ministry

May 22, 2023

In an effort to combat corruption and promote transparency in the compensation process for government projects, the Ministry of lands will now be in charge of Land valuation.

President William Ruto made the announcement during a prayer service in Isiolo on Sunday.

He voiced his concern about the prevailing corruption within the National Lands Commission (NLC), which has resulted in unfair compensation for land acquired for government initiatives.

“Valuation of government projects for compensation will no longer be done by the National Lands Commission. It will be done by the Ministry of Lands to eliminate corruption. It is not proper for the NLC to value and compensate at the same time,” said Ruto.

The President castigated the National Lands Commission (NLC), describing it as a breeding ground for corruption. He unequivocally vowed to take decisive action to bring an end to the prevalent malpractices within the commission.

“National Lands Commission has become a market for corruption and over-valuation and this must stop. Corruption won’t have room in the compensation for government projects,” he said.

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