Kenyans were not ready for someone like me to be their president, says Mwaure

May 24, 2023

David Mwaure, the leader of the Agano party and a former aspirant for the presidency, recently shared his reflections on his candidacy in the August 2022 elections.

During the polls last year, Mwaure emerged in fourth position with a measly 31,987  votes.

In an interview on Tuesday with Spice FM, Mwaure expressed gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the electoral process.

“I do not think Kenyans were ready for a Kenyan like me, probably for the message I had,” he said.

Mwaure acknowledged that one of the challenges he faced during his presidential campaign was the lack of sufficient capital. Running a successful presidential campaign requires substantial funding, and Mwaure expressed that he did not have access to the necessary resources.

The clergyman also mentioned that he entered the presidential race relatively late compared to other candidates who had already established their presence and support. Despite this disadvantage, Mwaure emphasized that he persevered and remained committed to conveying his message to the people of Kenya.

“There were people who voted for me even when they could see that this good brother was not going to get it but they still woke up that morning and went to the ballot box and voted for the ideas and possibly somebody’s future,” he said.

Mwaure was recently appointed the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the National Environment Trust Fund by President William Ruto.

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