Ezekiel Mutua Calls Out Content Creators Over Sexualised Content

March 17, 2023

The former CEO of the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) Ezekiel Mutua was back in his ‘Deputy Jesus’ element as he faulted Kenyan content creators for glorifying sexualized content.

Mutua said content creators are to blame for the dirty content that negatively shapes young internet users.

“When we started we received a lot of opposition. People thought we were infringing on their freedom, but our goal was focused on the young generation who for one reason or the other do not have enough parental supervision. A person who has not attained the age of 18 years is still a responsibility of the government,” he said.

Adding: “I joined KFCB during the analogue to digital transition period and new digital spaces became available, like social media and a lot of content that was being created there was dirty. Content creators believe that content has to be sexualized for it to sell.”

Dr Mutua further accused celebrities of joining the “dirty” content bandwagon.

“Celebrities also started following this trend of including dirty lyrics and half naked women on their music videos. Content creators started normalizing bad behaviour. The values of our young people are shaped by what they see online,” he said.

The former ‘morality officer’ also mentioned that the fact he is not at KFCB anymore does not mean his ‘morality’ work is over.

“Now I am no longer a regulator, but I am grateful that I am still in the same sector, and where I am is the best place where I can be able to do more. Because apart from regulating where I am we give direction and advice,” he said.

“An artiste is someone who has been given a talent by God to build the society and not destroy it. Some of the things we are advocating to our artistes, to think about the kind of music they produce. A song that they would be content to watch with their parents or children,” Dr Mutua said.

The MCSK boss also reasoned that “dirty” content does not sell as much as family-friendly content.

“The truth is content that sells all over the world is content that is suitable for family viewing. There is more money for content that is consumed by a lot of people rather than a group of people. Dirty lyrics can be popular but it does not sell. That is why you see artistes who produce such songs are not doing well financially,” Mutua said.

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