Meet Zabron Singers Member Jamila Dotto: ‘We Love You Kenyans’

January 23, 2023

Jamila Dotto is a popular member of the highly acclaimed Tanzania-based Zabron Singers group. She spoke to The Nairobian about the secret behind the group’s success and why she has been missing from the group’s public gigs lately.

Please introduce yourself:

My name is Jamila Dotto. I am a singer in the Zabron Singers group.

Did you know that you will be a singer when you were a child?

I’ve always known that one day I’d be a big star in the music industry since I was a little girl. I used to hang out with my church’s young, teen, and older choir groups, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Choir leaders and members alike constantly praised me and told me that I possessed exceptional talent. This greatly encouraged me to continue developing my singing talent with zeal.

Please tell us about your experience at Zabron Singers.

When I was 17 years old, I joined the Zabron singers group. I’ve always enjoyed singing since I was a child. And I grew up praying to God to help me one day become a good singer and to help my talent grow even more. I was ministering at a church in Dodoma one day when one of the Zabron Singers leaders happened to be there. He was so impressed when he saw me and heard my voice that he approached me to join the group. To say I was overjoyed for the opportunity would be an understatement. I was particularly perplexed by the opportunity because my wish and prayer had been granted.

How different are Kenyans from Tanzanians?

Kenyans absolutely adore us Tanzanian gospel singers. And for that, I’d like to say to Kenyans: We love you, and we recognise your love for us. God bless you and keep you safe.

We haven’t seen you on Zabron Singers projects in a while; what are you up to?

I requested a break from singing in the Zabron Singers group for a specific reason. I needed some time to finish preparing my album. It is still not finished. But I’ll be launching it soon. I thank God for allowing me to release two songs. They can be found on my YouTube channel, Jamila Dotto; Fungua Njia, Umenisaidia. However, I respect and thank Zabron for making me recognisable to others. They have also played an important role in helping me develop my talent.

What do you think is the secret to Zabron Singers’ enormous success?

The first step is to pray. The second is the desire to improve through constant practice. The third is having confidence in what you do and finally, time management is essential.

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