HILARIOUS Reactions After Kenyans Told To Leave Parents’ House By 25

January 12, 2023

At what age should one move out of their parents’ house? While we may never find the right answer to this conundrum, many people opine that 25-26 years old is an appropriate age for a young adult to leave the nest.

It is argued that at 25, one is likely to have graduated college and found a job to sustain an independent lifestyle. But in all honesty, this is not always the case. Unemployment is real, especially in Kenya, and everybody’s path is different.

There are also young adults with jobs who prefer to live with their folks to save money. Whichever the case, I say one should not be pressured to live up to societal expectations and one should move out when they are ready.

Also Read – Moving Out: Graduates Speak on ‘Scary’ Lifestage Out of Parents’ House

With that said, this hot topic resurfaced on Twitter for the umpteenth time recently, producing comedy gold from our dearly beloved Kenyans on Twitter(KOT).

It all started with a tweet from one, @its_fanuel, who opined that no one should be living in their father’s house at 25.

“But at 25 haufai kuwa kwa nyumba ya babako,” he tweeted on January 6.

Nearly a week later, the tweet is still doing numbers as Kenyans on Twitter(KOT) continue to come up with creative and sarcastic responses.

Let’s dive in. Shall we?

(Refresh page if tweets don’t load the first time.)

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