Kenya Power to Trial Electric Car Charging Stations in Nairobi

August 4, 2022

Kenya Power has announced plans to start testing electric car charging stations in Nairobi and Nakuru.

The national power distributor will start a 6-month trial next month as it sets its eyes on new revenue streams from e-mobility.

Kenya Power will pilot an e-mobility network infrastructure system (Enis) in the two cities to ascertain its feasibility.

“The proof of concept phase will be used by Kenya Power to develop and pilot the proposed e-mobility system in a scaled manner within Nairobi and Nakuru,” said the company.

The 8-month trial will help Kenya Power collect key data on the potential of the EV charging business before it commits to rolling it out on a full scale.

A full scale implementation of the project will see Kenya Power build home, business, and public charging infrastructure across the country to make it easier for EV owners to charge their vehicles.

“The phase will give Kenya Power a hands-on experience to evaluate the potential and complexity of e-mobility ecosystem before a full-scale implementation,” it said.

Kenya Power is currently seeking electric vehicle firms to undertake the trial.

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