
Kakamega Bull ‘Arrested’ After Killing a Woman

July 7, 2022
The killer bull at the Sisasari police station

Police officers in Lurambi constituencyKakamega County have detained a bull after it fatally injured an elderly woman.

60-year-old Felistus Itieva from Matioli village died on Monday while undergoing treatment at a local hospital.

According to eyewitness accounts, Felistus was walking with her grandson when the bull charged at them. The grandson managed to run for his life but the woman wasn’t as fortunate.

“The bull had been tethered by the roadside, and when the grandson saw it, he started running, and that’s when the bull charged at them, in the process cutting loose the rope,” said Patrick Anguba.

“The bull came face to face with the grandmother, before ploughing through her,” he added. 

Confirming the incident, Area Chief Ben Mulinya said sustained broken ribs, and deep wounds in the head.

“The neighbours were able to rush her to Mukumu hospital for treatment. Five of her ribs were broken, she had deep wounds in the head and the abdomen. She succumbed last night on Monday, July 4,” the chief said.

Irate locals reportedly stormed the home of the owner of the bull, Mr Vitute Mirimo, demanding to slaughter the bull in accordance with Isukha’s tradition.

The tradition dictates that in the event a bull kills someone, it is to be slaughtered and its meat shared among the neighbours.

The victim’s family is, however, forbidden from eating the meat.

“The bull and its owner are being detained at the Sisasari police station as police continue with their investigations,” added the chief.

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