How To Apply or Renew a Nairobi Single Business Permit

June 7, 2022

How To Apply or Renew a Nairobi Single Business Permit ONLINE

Looking forward to starting a business in Nairobi? Then you need to comply with one of the Nairobi County laws – LICENSING OF PREMISES AND TRADES: No person shall engage in any business at any premises within the jurisdiction of the Council unless such premises are permitted for the purpose – and apply for a business permit to avoid run-ins with the authorities. Those with established businesses must also renew their licenses.

The Nairobi City County Government (NCCG) is the local authority tasked with the collection of Nairobi county revenues, but in 2020 when Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) took over after the ouster of ex-governor Mike Sonko, the revenue collection system was altered, and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) was appointed as the principal-agent for the collection of all Nairobi City County revenues.

This article will mainly focus on how to get a single business permit in Nairobi. It is also called a unified business permit as it includes Food and Health certificate, City Council business permit, Advertising signage license, and Fire Safety certificate.

How to get a single business permit in Nairobi

There are two methods to acquire a single business permit in Nairobi. The first one is making an online application on NCCG self-service portal, and the second one is through a manual registration by visiting either KRA offices at Times Tower or county government offices at City Hall.

Before applying for a single business permit, you must have a National ID, KRA PIN, and the exact physical address or location because licenses are not issued to businesses operating on the lands that have outstanding land rates.

How to apply for Nairobi County single business permit online

Nairobi City is among the leading financial hubs in Africa, with best-in-class financial institutions, a reputed stock exchange, and a dense concentration of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

All of these require licensing, and to reduce the backlog of their issuance, the county government introduced an online portal (NCCG) where business owners can get permits and other services related to business on their internet-connected gadgets.

Before you access Nairobi City County’s online services, you need to create an account and activate e-payment for paying the permit fees.

To create the NCCG e-payment account: Visit, click the ‘Create Account’ tab and sign up with your ID number, email address, KRA PIN, phone number, and a unique PIN to activate your account before you proceed with the online application for a single business permit.

How can I apply for a single business permit in Nairobi County online?

1. Visit
2. On the Services section, choose ‘Business Licensing Services’
3. Login with your ID number or KRA PIN and password
4. On the new page, select ‘Single Business Permit’
5. Now click ‘Register a New Business’
6. An online form will appear. Fill in your personal details like ID number, KRA PIN, business owner, and mobile number
7. Key in details of your business, location, and number of employees
8. Check if all details are correct, then tap ‘Finish’
9. Pay the permit fees
10. You will receive an SMS confirming the registration of the business with details on whether the single business permit is ready.

Ready single business permit will be available on your NCCG online portal for download.

Physical application for Nairobi County single business permit

As stated earlier, going to Nairobi City County’s City Hall or KRA offices at Times Tower is another way of acquiring a single business permit. Before visiting these offices, you need to have these requirements:

How to get a single business permit in Nairobi

* Nairobi County business permit application form – BR-1
* Copy of the identification card
* Copy of the certificate of incorporation
* Copy of the company pin certificate
* An approved business permit application form
* A payment permit invoice

The procedure is as follows: you will submit the duly filled forms at the offices that will be verified and stamped by inspection officers, and an invoice generated. Then you will sign and be asked to collect the business permit at the dispatch office for display at your business premises.

How much is a single business permit in Nairobi?

The cost of a single business permit in Nairobi varies with the number of employees and the type and size of the business, but on average, it goes for Ksh15,000, exclusive of a Ksh200 application fee.

If you have a shop with less than four employees, you will pay Ksh4,000 business permit fees. On the other hand, shoe-shiners and newspaper vendors in Nairobi pay Ksh3,500 single business permit charges, while a logistics firm with 100sq meters operational base part with Ksh100,000.

What is the validity of a single business permit in Nairobi County?

The permit is valid for one calendar year: from January to 31st December, upon which an applicant ought to apply for renewal.

How to renew a single business permit in Nairobi County

After the expiry of your single business permit in Nairobi, you need to move fast to renew it lest you attract a penalty of up to 3% from the due date.

How can I renew my single business permit in Nairobi online?

What is the validity of a single business permit in Nairobi County?

1. Visit
2. Login using your national ID number or KRA PIN and password
3. You will be directed to the homepage. Select ‘Single Business Permit’ and click ‘Renew.’ You will see a status page displaying previous business permits and rates to be paid for renewal.
4. Pay for the single business permit fees by directly topping up your account from the NCCG portal
5. Now enter your business ID available in the previous business permits
6. Click ‘Check Status’
7. The system will confirm the renewal and direct you to a new window to download the permit

You can print the downloaded business permit and display it at your business premises.

All Nairobi City County Payments are made to:

* Cooperative Bank of Kenya – City Hall Branch – account no 01141709410000
* National Bank of Kenya – Times Tower Branch – account no 01071225251100

Nairobi County Government contacts

Phone number – +25470901474
Email – [email protected]


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