5 Best Places To Buy Dairy Goats in Kenya

June 6, 2022

How much does a dairy goat cost in Kenya?

If you are looking forward to starting an agribusiness without much financial stress, then dairy goat farming in Kenya might be a suitable livestock enterprise for both intensive, semi-extensive and extensive methods of rearing.

Dairy goat farming is profitable as its milk is sought for its health benefits and unique taste. It has high Vitamin A composition for boosting vision and immune system with smaller fat globules to ease its digestion.

Goats are also excellent browsers and can survive almost all climatic zones, from cool to semi-arid regions. The most popular breeds of goats kept for milk in Kenya are:

* Saanen
* Toggenburg
* Barbari
* Jamunapari

How much does a dairy goat cost in Kenya?

The average price of a dairy goat in Kenya ranges from Ksh7,000 to Ksh30,000, depending on the type of breed, maturity and productivity. For instance, Toggenburg goats are more expensive than Saanen goats because they produce many litres of milk per day.

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How many litres does a dairy goat produce?

A good quality dairy goat produces an average of 3 litres of milk per day and over 1200 litres in a year. This largely depends on how you feed the dairy goats and the type of breed. Under good management, Saanen goat produces 3-5 litres per day, Toggenburg gives over 10 litres, Barbari produces over 1.5 litres, and Jamunapari goat produces above 2.5 litres.

The best goat for milk in Kenya

Toggenburg goats. Because of its higher milk production capacity compared to other breeds of does. It produces 10 to 15 litres of milk per day and over 650 litres in a lactation period. They are very fertile and have the adaptability to graze both in flat and mountainous areas and also survive in temperatures extremes.

The best goat for milk in Kenya
A Toggenburg goat.

Is dairy goat farming profitable in Kenya?

Talk about getting rich overnight! Dairy goat farming is a very profitable business and can be a quick source of cash if you venture into it. When cows’ milk retails at Ksh40 per litre, the goats’ milk goes for over Ksh250 due to its rich nutritional value. When you rear a Toggenburg goat, and you get 10 litres a day, that is Ksh2,500. With good management, you will milk over 650 litres which translate to Ksh1,625,000. Let’s say you deduct Ksh625,000 for feeds and management; you still have a profit of Ksh1 million.

Best places to buy dairy goats in Kenya

The demand for goat milk is on the rise, and venturing into dairy goat farming might be a head start towards financial freedom for you by taking advantage of the market trends. Before you start, you need to find a place to acquire the best breeds that will guarantee profits and merge your investment.

Where can I buy dairy goats in Kenya?

1. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO)

As the name suggests, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) is an organisation tasked with streamlining and coordinating research on livestock, goats not left out. The body works at improving livestock’s genetic potential, and for sure, you can get the best breeds here.

The goat breeds sold by KALRO include Anglo-Nubian, Toggenburg, Alpines, and Saanen. You can contact them for pricing.

KALRO contacts

Email – info@kalro.org,
Location – Kaptagat Rd, Loresho, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone numbers – +254722206986, +254722206988, +254730707000

2. Mkulima Young

Mkulima Young is an online marketplace where farmers meet buyers. To use their free services, you must first access their website, register and look for the dairy goat of your choice. Because farmers are allowed to list their products, you are advised to conduct reconnaissance before transacting any business to avoid loss of money.

After making an order, you can also negotiate for the delivery of your animal at your doorstep.

Mkulima Young contacts

Website – www.mkulimayoung.com
WhatsApp – +254710848002

3. Mwihoko Dairy Goat Farm

“I started dairy goat farming in 2013 with a single goat gifted to me by my father. The goat would give one litre per day,” says Robert Macharia, the owner of Mwihoko Dairy Goat Farm.

Mwihoko Dairy Goat Farm sits in a 20 by 20 feet plot at Mwihoko in Kiambu and now hosts multiple dairy goats of mostly the Alpine breed. Macharia, the ex Sportpesa in charge of transport and logistics, said he quit his job to focus on farming and now milks over two litres of milk in each goat.

“A single goat can give you up to two litres of milk daily if well fed. I had ready customers for the milk, something that made my urge to venture into farming grow even stronger.”

He introduced Alpine breeding on his farm in 2014 and now sells a mature goat at Ksh25,000. You can reach him on 0721713887.

4. NaivaFresh Goat Dairies

NaivaFresh Goat Dairies is a dairy goat farm situated in Gituamba, Naivasha, Nakuru County. It specialises in breeding but has diversified to produce and sell goat milk. You can book an appointment and visit their farm to check out the best quality goat breed that suits your zone.

NaivaFresh Goat Dairies contacts

Phone number – 0112327669
Email – naivafresh.goatdairies@gmail.com
Facebook – NaivaFresh Goat Dairies 

5. Kibidav Dairies

Kibidav Dairies is a brainchild of Kiringai Kamau, who ditched coffee farming for goat rearing due to its dwindling prices. A move he has never regretted. It sits on a five-acre Kibidav Farm, where they keep over 40 goats of Alpine (German, British and French), Toggenbergs and Saanen breeds.

how much is a dairy goat in kenya
Saanen goats.

They are renowned for selling the highly productive Toggenburg breed, and you can reach them through:

Kibidav Dairies contacts

Location – Getathururu road, Lower Kabete, Kiambu
Phone number – +254739666707
Email – info@toggskenya.com

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