Counting Down to the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris: Read All the Testimonies

April 27, 2022

The organizer of the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris hopes that last year’s record of 40 million participants will be broken this year.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome aims to elevate the faith and ministering of the participants of the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris.

Ministry leaders around the world are readying themselves for the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris, which is set to begin on Friday, April 29th at 2 PM GMT+1.

The event stretches over 24 hours and seeks to boost the faith of the attendants and their ministering.

The program is for ministry leaders only, such as pastors, ministers, youth pastors, apostles, bishops and other people working for churches.

Millions of people have already confirmed their participation, and you can follow suit on the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris’ website.

It is the fourth time that the program will be held. Last year, more than 40 million people took part, which was a new record.

The organizer of the event, the International School of Ministry, hopes that even more will participate this year.

Pastor Chris helps people become ministers

The event will be held online free of charge and is set to give attendants insight ahead of the end-time harvest as well as focus on the mission and purpose of the church.

Participants also get the chance to do networking with other pastors and ministry leaders from around the world.

This program will afford ministers the opportunity to be further positioned for higher levels of grace and impact in the work of the ministry committed to their trust. Ministering alongside Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and other senior seasoned ministers of the gospel who would divulge the undiluted word of God to all participating delegates,” the International School of Ministry writes about the program.

The ministry is part of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s Christ Embassy church and was founded in 2007.

The International School of Ministry works as an educational branch of the church where people can learn how to become ministers.

This happens via online and offline training sessions, workshops and courses on the topic.

Since its establishment, thousands of people have fulfilled their dreams of becoming pastors through the ministry. 

Pastor: “The testimony of the Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris will last forever”

The Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris 2022 is the fourth edition of the program.

In the wake of the 2021 event, numerous testimonies came out from people who attended the session.

Pastor Labe Valentine Baboguel from the Le Repose De L’Eternal Church in Chad was among the participants.

“Praise the Lord!  I am so grateful to our man of God, Rev. Chris Oyakhilome. From the depth of my heart, I want to say a big thank you, sir, for organizing the Global Ministers’ Classroom and having over 40 million ministers of the gospel come together and to receive the word of life which could make them masters over everything that comes their path and making them master soul winners beyond imagination. I can only say thank you, sir,” she said and continued:

“For us in Chad, I know, and there is no doubt in my spirit, that ministers of the gospel will never be the same. We have been greatly impacted through the word of God that was shared by our man of God. We have been catapulted to our next level of glory in ministry and in our life. The testimony of the Global Ministers’ Classroom will last forever. Thank you so much, sir.”

Participant sees improvement after Global Ministers’ Classroom with Pastor Chris

Pastor Renalda Hayek from the Life-Changing Trust Church in Lebanon also gave her testimony following last year’s event.

“First of all, I would like to thank our dear man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, for giving us this phenomenal opportunity to be a part of the Global Ministers’ Classroom, which ran for 24 hours, and for giving me the opportunity of leading a segment. Thank you so much for investing in us regularly,” she said.

“Also, I would like to thank our CEO and Director of the International School of Ministry, Pastor Deola Phillips, for her commitment and engagement to make sure that we receive whatever is needed for us to grow individually and for our congregation,” Pastor Renalda Hayek added.

During the session last year, she saw how her members grew in their faith.

“The 24-hour program was so enriching, having highly esteemed ministers of the gospel participate and give their time to enrich everyone that was connected to the platform. During the 24-hour period, I witnessed how each member of my congregation was connected at a separate timing. What was common amongst them was the richness of what they had taken; every topic of discussion was really a building block in their improvement,” she explained.

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