Grace Ekirapa Encourages Women Trying for a Baby

February 17, 2022

Media personality Grace Ekirapa has sent words of encouragement to women who are trying to conceive.

The heavily-pregnant ‘CrossOver 101’ show presenter sent out her message via Instagram. She started by narrating how her pregnancy has been making her feel, saying she is lost for words.

“The many times I have caught myself staring at little clothes online and the ones at home are countless. Not to mention the kicks that keep me up long into the nights because I can’t stop giggling at the waves my tummy makes as my little one kicks, I am short of words,” she wrote.

To the women trying for a baby, Ekirapa encouraged them to continue trusting God.

“Today my heart goes out to that woman out there who is trusting God for the fruit of their womb. God works in ways we cannot understand and sometimes our hearts may grow weary because we have time as a limit but please remind your heart that God is not a respecter of time or man. He will do it at His time and when He does it, it will be magnificent,” she wrote.

Ekirapa further called on the women waiting for their miracle to celebrate those whose miracles have happened.

“Meanwhile, as you wait for your miracle, celebrate those who are celebrating and believe me, Thanksgiving opens doors that whining and complaining won’t, (I have been there I know) May the God of Hannah and Sarah visit you who is waiting in Jesus Name,” she concluded.

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