Uhuru in Sagana: “I Will Leave This Government To Raila”

February 23, 2022

uhuru saganaPresident Uhuru Kenyatta has today confirmed that ODM leader Raila Odinga is his preferred candidate.

Addressing a huge crowd in Sagana, Uhuru said that he inherited a Sh5 trillion economy, but will leave the next president with a Sh13 trillion economy.

“Kibaki left me with a sh5 trillion economy. I will leave the next president with a Sh13 trillion economy,” he said in kikuyu. At this point the crowd broke out into a Raila chant, to which the president said, “yes that one,” referring to whom he will leave the next government to.

The president gave a long speech in his mother tongue, highlighting his government’s achievements. He dismissed the notion that Jubilee had done nothing.

He then went on to state how his deputy had engaged in a looting spree, including mentioning the Arror dam scheme. He added that it is this stolen money that Ruto has been donating every Sunday in churches across the country.

He told Mt Kenya voters not to be hoodwinked, and that Raila is the best option.

However in what seemed like an acknowledgement to the pro-Ruto central, Uhuru told the Mt. Kenya politicians present to hold their ground even when they are booed while preaching the Raila gospel. He said that leaders should lead their people, and not be easily swayed in their decisions.

The president was however speaking to a very friendly crowd, who occasionally broke out into anti-Ruto songs and chants, including the famous ‘Yote Yawezekana’. All this without his intervention, which can only be interpreted to mean he was enjoying.

To conclude however, Uhuru added some confusion by saying that he is still open to supporting Ruto further down the line, just not this time.

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