
Slain Nakuru Police Constable “Was Having Affair With Senior’s Wife”

July 7, 2021

A police officer who was found murdered in his car in Nakuru was reportedly having an affair with the suspect.

According to media reports, the suspect identified as Corporal Caroline Kangogo was married to a senior police officer.

A police officer who sought anonymity also intimated that Kangogo had relations with the deceased, constable John Ogweno, the Standard reports.

Constable Ogweno, who was attached to Nakuru East Police Division, was found dead at Kasarani Police Line at around 7 am Monday by a colleague who reported the incident at Nakuru Central Police Station. The murder incident is suspected to have happened at around 2:30 am.

It is claimed that an altercation ensued on Sunday night, July 4, after the senior police officer went to Kangogo’s house only to find her and Ogweno.

The late Constable John Ogweno.

“She must have shot him at very close range. The shooter first broke the driver’s window before shooting him. He (Ogweno) might have started the car to pursue the other male officer or escape from Kangogo,” the source told the Standard.

County Deputy Police Commander Joseph Tonui noted that the deceased’s firearm was also missing.

“One empty 9mm cartridge of 9mm was recovered at the scene. The stone used to smash the car window and an iron bar were also recovered and treated as exhibits,” said Tonui.

“The firearm issued to the deceased Ceska pistol serial number 94676 is missing. Efforts are in progress to trace and recover the Ceska Pistol,” said Tonui.

Police have since issued a report urging Kenyans to share any information regarding the whereabouts of the suspect.

“Caroline Kangogo has gone missing to an unknown destination. If seen, treat her as armed and dangerous,” read part of the report.

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