Limuru Woman Chops Off Son’s Private Parts

November 26, 2020

Police in Limuru, Kiambu county have launched a manhunt for a woman who allegedly severed the private parts of her son.

The child’s father, who reported the matter at Tigoni Police Station, said the suspect identified as Winnie Mutheu chopped off the private parts of their son aged one year and eight months and fled.

Citizen Digital reports that a neighbour to the family residing in Kamandura village said the woman told her that she disposed of the child’s genital in a pit latrine before she fled.

Tigoni OCPD Mwaniki Ireri confirmed the heinous act saying the baby boy is admitted at Kijabe hospital in critical condition.

George Ngugi, a children’s officer, said that they will work hand-in-hand with the police to ensure the woman is brought to book.

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