Nairobi County Assembly Suspends MCA Abdi Guyo for One Year

June 10, 2020

Nairobi County assembly has suspended majority leader Abdi Guyo for a year after missing house sittings amounting to one year.

In a report tabled on Tuesday, Nairobi County Assembly Select Committee on Powers and Privileges found that the Spring Valley/Matopeni Ward MCA had missed 11 consecutive plenary sittings between January 2020 and March 2020.

The committee further noted that Abdi Guyo did not have justifiable reasons for missing the sittings.

‘‘That there is nothing written on record by Abdi Hassan explaining to the speaker why he missed the aforementioned sittings …That Hon Abdi  Hassan by failing to attend eleven sittings without any justifiable reason, he is in breach of standing order 242 and Article 194 whose consequences is the declaration of a vacancy in the seat of the member for Matopeni,’’ the report reads in part.

According to the committee, Guyo was given a fair hearing to respond to the allegations but he instead rubbished the committee as a ‘kangaroo court’.

Assembly speaker Beatrice Elachi on Tuesday ordered Guyo not to set foot at the assembly precincts until the suspension elapses.

‘‘Hon Abdi Hassan shall not be allowed in the assembly precincts for the next assembly sittings and cease to enjoy all the privileges entitled to him as a member of the county assembly. Office of the clerk together with sergeant at arms are required to fully enforce these decisions,’’ she said.

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