Wahu Defends Decision to Publicize Donations to Former Inmates

May 19, 2020

Should celebrities, and anyone for that matter, publicize their charitable deeds on social media?

This seems to be quite the conundrum, especially in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic where well-wishers have been donating to the less fortunate in society.

In Kenya, broadcasting one’s charitable deeds is often frowned upon, mostly because it is done by politicians trying to score popularity points. We have already seen quite a number of politicians branding donations such as hand sanitizers and foodstuff with their images.

Away from politicians, celebrity musician Wahu Kagwi recently found herself on the wrong side of some critics after publicizing her charity work on Instagram.

Last Friday, the singer together with women leaders at Kenya private sector alliance (kepsa) donated over 200 care packs to former inmates of Lang’ata women’s prison.

Wahu wrote: Earlier today myself, Lucy Karume and Gloria Ndekei (women leaders of KEPSA) handed over 200 care packs to ex in-mates of Langata womens prison, under the Clean Start umbrella. Thank you @chandariaindustries for your kind donation.
Supporting your brother or sister in need, is supporting yourself. #weshallovercome #thistooshallpass#womensupportingwomen.”

But this did not sit well with some of her fans; with one IG user posing: “What are cameras for???? Mkipeana vitu za maana mnaweza tumia camera”

This prompted Wahu to respond, explaining that the photos are meant to appreciate partners and encourage other Corporates to join the cause.

“Cameras are for appreciating partners who support an initiative, and also to encourage others corporates and individuals to do what they can. Don’t be so negative. You only see what I let you see. There’s a lot which you don’t know because it doesn’t need to be known. ?. There a lot of things I do on my own for charity without bringing it to the front. But when you have partners who have sponsored an initiative it’s important to recognize them, plus it encourages other corporates and individuals to come out and do something good for the community, if they arent already,” said Wahu.

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