Kenyan Tycoon Pledges Ksh100 Million Worth of Oxygen to War on COVID-19

April 3, 2020

Finally! The first Kenyan tycoon has joined the war against COVID-19 in the country.

Steel magnate Narendra Raval, the founder of Devki Group of companies, has donated KSh 100 million worth of oxygen to hospitals to combat the deadly pandemic.

In a letter dated April 2, 2020, and addressed to the Ministry of Health, Raval said the oxygen will be collected from Devki Steels Mills branch factories in Mombasa, Ruiru and Athi River.

The oxygen, which is vital for patients with severe COVID-19, will be distributed to all government hospitals across the country.

“I hereby confirm the pledge to donate oxygen worth KSh 100 million to all government hospitals throughout the country,” Raval said.

The Devki Steels Mills chairman also declared that he was ready to pledge all his assets if he was required to do so.

“If the need arises, I am ready to pledge all my assets to save my country and the people of Kenya from the Covid-19 devil,” Raval wrote on social media platforms.

The donation comes a month after he predicted that China would find a vaccine for Coronavirus by May.

“According to my Astrology, in exactly 40 days from today, China will be able to get a cure for the Coronavirus. Although the death toll may rise to 2800 between now and the beginning of March, all hope will be rekindled for there will be effective control of the spread of the disease by the 27th of March.

“A preventive vaccine will be ready by May. When we pray for China, we pray for the world,” Raval shared on Facebook.

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