Alcohol Distribution Banned in Machakos County

April 23, 2020

The Machakos County government has outlawed the distribution of alcohol in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Governor Alfred Mutua said on Tuesday that the ban would be in effect fro Wednesday, April 22 until the end of May.

The county boss said the decision was made based on recommendations by the Machakos County COVID-19 Emergency committee. The committee held discussions with national government officials and a section of county elected leaders.

“This order will be reviewed depending on the compliance by bar owners and Wananchi to current laws and regulations. Vehicles found ferrying alcohol supplies will be impounded if found to be contravening this order,” Mutua said.

Machakos County Emergency Response Committee added that: “We are trying to tame errant bars that open illegally, every day, behind a closed door, basically in every village in Machakos county. They are restocked with new supplies daily.”

The team also stated that transit trucks will not be allowed to stop in Machakos.

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