Nairobi Junction Closure: Lower Kabete /Brookside Drive to be Closed for Two Months

January 24, 2020

A section of the busy Lower Kabete road will be closed for two months starting January 28.

The Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) on Wednesday issued a public notice announcing the closure of the Lower Kabete Road/Brookside Drive junction March 25.

The roads Authority said the junction will be closed to allow for the construction of a box culvert.

Kura further advised motorists to use alternative routes to reach their specific destinations in the area.

Motorists headed towards Lower Kabete are urged to the Peponi Road-Mwanzi Road route while motorists bound for Brookside Drive via Mwanzi Road are advised to use Peponi road-Lower Kabete road-Brookside drive.

For Lower Kabete-bound traffic, from Brookside drive, motorists will be guided through Lower Kabete- Peponi-Mwanzi Road.

Drivers enroute to Mwanzi Road from Brookside Drive should use Lower Kabete-Peponi Road.

Kenha said traffic marshals would be on-site to guide motorists appropriately on what alternative roads to follow.

The construction is expected to ease traffic along Lower Kabete road.


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