Prezzo Says He’s a Changed Man Who Only Drinks a Glass of Wine

August 20, 2019

Former bad boy of Kenya’s showbiz scene rapper Prezzo is now a changed man.

One of the changes the self-proclaimed ‘King of Bling’ has made is cutting down on booze. He says that nowadays, a glass of wine per day is enough for him.

“I am even cutting down on drinking alcohol. Nowadays I take a glass of wine only during dinner and I’m good,” he told Word Is.

The former BBA contestant said his patience has also improved and that he is committed to staying away from any controversy.

On whether he is dating, Prezzo was coy, saying he loves his mother and his daughter.

“The problem is when I meet someone, they tend to act like they know my whole life. After some time they want to change me and control how I will handle the fans,” he said.

Prezzo went on to explain that if someone was to stick by him, he would do anything for them because he is a good man. “Once I start sensing like there is insecurity, it pushes me away,” he said.

The rapper also maintained that he has never been the bad guy in his relationships.

“Like if you look at my love-life when things go bad, the women start looking for sympathy, saying, ooh, he used to drink so much, he used to do this and this. If that was the case then it wouldn’t have lasted even that long of a period.

“Many a time, I’m in a relationship and it fails, I go back to my thoughts and ask myself if I am the one who was wrong, and so that I could check on the mistake,” he said.

Since last year, Prezzo and Kompact Recordz CEO Steve have been running an initiative aimed at upgrading houses for residents of Kibra.

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