“I Hated My Nose,” Inooro TV Anchorwoman Opens Up on Being Bullied

July 11, 2019

This week the administration of Nairobi School has come under fire after a reported bullying incident left a student needing brain surgery.

Parents of the Form Two student said they received a call from the school last week to go pick up their son because he was unwell. They said the student was assaulted by prefects, with the mother adding that her son was so traumatized he couldn’t name the culprits.

Educations officials have since launched investigations, with a report expected in coming days. Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has also ordered parallel investigations and demanded a report by next week.

“I know investigations are underway but on the parallel side, I would like to know directly from the people whom we have entrusted with the children’s’ life on what is going on there. I want to know who did it and what action has been taken,” Magoha said on Wednesday.

As investigations continue, Kenyans online, especially parents, have reacted with shock to the incident and are demanding quick action against those responsible.

Gospel musician Kambua was one of those who sparked a conversation about bullying on her socials. The TV presenter asked her over 850K followers on Instagram to share their experiences with bullying.

“My heart broke when I heard the news about the boy from Nairobi School nursing a brain injury. But his is just one of many horror stories we keep hearing of. Bullying should have no place in our schools?. I’m curious to know- were any of you bullied in school? How did it affect you at the time, and in the long run???‍♀️ #letstalk. Also, parents- have your children ever told you that they were being bullied at school? How did you handle it? #letstalk,” Kambua wrote.

One of the responses was by Inooro TV News anchor Muthoni wa Mukiri who disclosed she was bullied in high school because of her nose.

She said the bullying made her hate her nose but she eventually came to love it. In fact, she says her nose is the most beautiful feature on her face.

“I was bullied coz I have a pointed nose. Imagine! I hated my nose until after Highschool when I realized it’s beautiful and I came to love it. I think it’s the most beautiful feature on my face,” wrote Muthoni.


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