Controversial Pastor Migwi Quits Radio Show

June 28, 2019
Kamau Kamlesh, Man Nyari and Pastor Godfrey Migwi at the Kameme FM

Nairobi pastor Godfrey Migwi has quit his position at Kameme FM.

He has been a co-host with man Nyari and Kamlesh on the Wednesday show, ‘Kwenjera Uma Wa Mandiko (analysing the truth of the word)’.

The Kayole-based preacher is said to have landed in trouble after he was filmed in his home questioning President Uhuru’s development record in Central Kenya.

Kameme FM is under the MediaMax umbrella, which is owned by the Kenyatta family.

It was thus not totally unexpected that he would leave the station, especially because this is not the first time he has attacked the president, who is technically his employer.

Earlier this month, Pastor Migwi blasted Uhuru following his statements at Kasarani during an Akorino event. Speaking in vernacular, the president gave a tongue-lashing to politicians, with many interpreting it to be an attack on his deputy.

Pastor Migwi launched a stunning defense of Deputy President William Ruto, declaring that Uhuru’s new alliance with ODM leader Raila Odinga would not receive the backing of Mt Kenya people.

Pastor Migwi, who is the founder and spiritual father at House of Hope Church Kayole, cautioned the president to get a grip on his anger.

Again in March, the pastor made another controversial statement when he declared that it was okay for ‘thieves to attend church service’.

It is these and other statements and criticism of the president that is said to have made his bosses push him out of the station.

Pastor Migwi thanked his fans on social media, just after his final show on Wednesday. He expressed disappointment in leaving the show after 7 years.

“Thank you Gatonye wa Mbugua my programs controller who noticed what was in me, Ladya Migwi, his deputy Muthee Kiengei my friend for the 5 years, we walked together reading bible for me, Kamau Kamlesh who took over from mawatchmen and we continued together, Man Nyari took over the Bible reading from Kiengei and all others presenters from Kameme for oneness, God bless you all.” Migwi wrote.

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