Free Parking Today as JamboPay Marks 10th Anniversary… Full List of Towns

April 29, 2019

Payment service provider Jambopay has made an announcement that will be music to the ears of many motorists.

To mark its 10th anniversary, Jambopay is today offering free parking in 30 towns where it is the payment provider. This includes the capital Nairobi.

The free parking will be a day-long affair.

”We will be paying for motorists parking fees on Monday in counties that we serve in the country as part of celebrations of 10 years of our existence,” said Mr Danson Muchemi, Chief Executive Officer of Web Tribe Limited, Jambopay’s parent company.

The towns slated to enjoy this are:  Meru, Embu, Makima, Manyatta, Kitale, Kiminini, Endebess, Chuka, Nkubu, Runyenjes, Kibugu, Siakago, Kiritiri, Ishiara, Gachoka, Ngiiri Karaba, Maua, Makutano, Kathwana, Chogoria, Marimanti, Gatunga, Maguni, Kibugua, Marima, Cherangani, Kwanza and Saboti.


Jambopay has also planned other activities this week, including a tree-planting exercise at Ngong Forest in conjunction with the Kenya Forest Service and the Kenya Road Cross Society.

The firm was founded in 2009 and currently employs over 150 people directly plus a 15,000 agent network. It provides payment services to over 5000 organizations in the region.

“I founded this firm in 2009 in a Cyber Café in Nairobi at the age of 25 years and now it employs over 150 people and has a network of 15,000 agents,” Mr Muchemi added.

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