Sonko Urges ALL Nairobi Residents to Remain Vigilant following Terror Attack

January 17, 2019

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has implored Nairobi residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious persons to the police following the terrorist attack at 14 Riverside Drive.

Sonko, who was the butt of jokes on social media for his dress code at the Dusit D2 Hotel, further appealed to “everyone to submit to security screening by people who are meant to protect us”.

In a statement released Wednesday, the county boss also condemned “the cowardly attack by terrorists towards innocent people”.

Read Sonko statement on terrorist attack below.



Nairobi was yesterday once again the scene of another cowardly attack by terrorists.

We at Nairobi City County Government strongly condemn this act of violence towards innocent people. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims and survivors. The City stands in solidarity with all the people of Nairobi at this difficult time.

Following the initial reports of the blasts in Riverside area yesterday, the Nairobi City County Government’s disaster and emergency response teams were among the first to arrive at the scene with ambulances to ferry the injured to hospital and the fire brigade.

The perpetrators of this abhorrent act imagine that they will defeat us. We are a strong and resilient nation, under God. From the first terrorist attack that led to the bombing of the Norfolk Hotel on 31st December 1980, to the bombing of the US embassy on August 7th, 1998, to the Westgate attack on 21st September 2013, Nairobians have shown that they will never bow to terrorists.

The people of this great city will always rise up against adversity, strengthened by their strong Kenyan identity and desire to live in freedom and liberty.

I urge all Nairobi residents to remain vigilant, and to report any suspicious persons to the police. I also appeal to everyone to submit to security screening by people who are meant to protect us.

Finally, I wish to thank law enforcement officers who responded to the attack, including the police and the military, for your role in containing the situation. I also urge that firm action be taken against terrorists. Our city is not a playing ground for ragtag groups with their misguided philosophies.

We stand together with the victims of this attack. God Bless Nairobi, God Bless Kenya.


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