Akothee Opens Up About her Wealth, Sponsors, 20 Bodyguards, Dealing With Cyber bullies

September 10, 2018

The self-proclaimed president of single mothers is said to be the wealthiest female musician in the country. She claims to have about 20 bodyguards and a forest that can easily fetch her Sh40 million.

While some sections are convinced that her money came from ‘sponsors’, Akothee says she has had to work really hard to be where she is.

She spoke to Buzz about it all:

People know you for your music and flamboyant life on social media, what else do you do?

Music is actually not my core business, I do very many things. I am a great farmer in horticulture and trees, at what we call Akothee Forest. We have about 40,000 pieces of Eucalyptus Grandis and each is worth Sh1, 000. I am also the founder and CEO of Akothee Safaris, which is quickly gaining international repute. My travel firm organises excursions, hotel and airline reservations. We also have a hotel called Morning Star Diani.

A lot of people think that your money came from “sponsors”, what is your reaction to this?

I have had to struggle for everything: It’s not easy, I get so many burnouts. I didn’t just wake up from a sponsor’s bed with millions of shillings in my account. You really have to grab every opportunity with both hands, whether it’s an interview, your job or a business. If you are employed don’t make money your main drive, focus on doing a good job and your boss will notice you. Complaining about others’ progress will not get you that promotion, just be the best and you will get there.

You have received a lot of trolling on social media, especially after your performance in London. How do you deal with it?
It’s unfortunate that even grown-ups bash my very young daughter; these are just desperate people. If you have your personal issues don’t bring negativity to my page. Just block me if you don’t like what I am posting, no one is forcing you to follow me. Actually, I am not in WhatsApp groups; people remove me because I say it as it is. Even family groups have removed me because I can’t put up with nonsense. If there is an issue just give your contribution and shut up, there is no need for many issues.

Cyber bulling is a major issue, and as a person who has experienced it first hand what is your advice to young people out there?

There are young kids who are committing suicide because their friends are drinking Jack Daniels and they can only afford maziwa mala.

If I did a reality TV show jealous people would kill themselves even more, because of how well I live. I would never commit suicide because of another person. Even if a man dumps me, I will just block them and all their relatives. It’s called social media, it’s just for fun and socialising, it should never become a standard for our lives. It really doesn’t matter if other people are drinking expensive things, just do things at your level and be proud of it.

Is it true you used to sing gospel?
Yes, I used to sing in church, but church groups turned against me and started back biting me so I came out here. There are too many hypocrites in church that is why I left.

Some people think you are controversial, others say you are a realist, how would you describe yourself?

I am a moving scandal, you can call me aka “sumbua tariff”. People follow everything I do, it’s not my fault. My life is just dramatic, I have mzungu babies and African babies in my home. People misunderstand my jokes because I go straight to the point. I am a real person, I don’t sugar court anything; not on TV, not on social media not even in private. However, I am not encouraging young girls to go and get many babies. I have to accept things as they are and be proud of my situations, but don’t use me as an excuse to be irresponsible; be smart.

Why do you have so many bodyguards?
Celebrity life is tough. I have to drive around in big cars and with an entourage. My drivers, body guards and the rest of the team cost a lot. I have like a total of 20 bodyguards, but I deploy them according to my needs. When I am making public appearances, obviously I need more.

What’s next for Akothee?

Kenyan industry is finally accepting me; from the media, fans and even fellow artistes. Even corporates are now embracing me, just a few weeks ago I headlined the Chrome Mega Bash in Kisumu and the reception was great. It was my first corporate event in Kenya, but I am looking forward to many more.

What’s your message to your critics?

You know haters are the ones who encourage my fans to love me even more. Those people bashing me are very desperate, they don’t have a life, that is why I bash them live and direct. If you come to my page and you don’t like what you see, just unlike me: don’t bring me negativity.

What’s your advice to all your fans?

First of all thank you for loving and supporting me just as I am. Never give up, we all have enough time


The most expensive car you own : Mercedes Benz SLS which I drive it in Lugano, Switzerland. It’s worth Sh30 million.

How many houses do you own?Five Mansions: Rongo, Mombasa, Normandy (France), Lugano (Switzerland), Zurich (Switzerland).

How much do you spend on your clothes each month?I shop in Europe and come back with two suitcases.

Which is your drink of choice?Water, I drink more than 8 glasses a day.

What phone do you use? Samsung Note 8.

Your favourite meal? Ugali, fish (fresh from the Lake Victoria) and osuga.

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