Ex-KTN News Anchor Cynthia Nyamai Now a Pastor

July 24, 2018

In an astonishing turn of life events, former television presenter Cynthia Nyamai is apparently now a pastor.

The public relations guru, who quit her lucrative job on TV to start her own eponymous PR company Cynthia Nyamai Communications, claims she has been called to do God’s work.

Nyamai, who also doubles up as an entrepreneur, took to social media on Monday to reveal that she had taken up the pulpit.

“Doing my Father’s business! If you told me last year a time like now that I would be serving at the pulpit I would have laughed so hard,” wrote Nyamai.

She added: “But now every time I stand at the pulpit I realize what a great honor it is to be called of God to serve Him.”

We understand she was preaching on Sunday at the Mavuno Church in Kabalagala, Kampala.


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