VIDEO – Here’s Khaligraph Jones Trap Anthem With Msupa S ‘Watajua Hawajui’

May 17, 2018

They promised and they have delivered. After weeks of hype, Khaligraph Jones and female Kalenjin rap sensation Msupa S have released their joint.

The self-proclaimed ‘Queen of Hip Hop’ shot to fame in 2016 when her diss track to other Kenyan female rappers went viral online.

Read – WTF: You Will Donate Your Ears to Science After Listening to this Diss by a Kalenjin Female Rapper

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and Msupa S’s mediocrity was rewarded with a string of media interviews on TV and radio stations, leading to a coveted collaboration with the current face of Kenyan hiphop.

Their track is dubbed “Watajua Hawajua”, a comical trap anthem for the amusement of the ever-excitable Kenyans and nothing more.

Watch the track below.

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