‘Ignore Raila’s Lifting of Product Boycott,” Miguna Tells Supporters

May 2, 2018

Self-declared General of NASA’S National Resistance Movement – lawyer Miguna Miguna – wants Opposition supporters to ignore Raila’s call to end civil disobedience and product boycott imposed on several companies after the disputed October 26 repeat elections.

The Opposition Chief yesterday announced an end to boycott against products of four companies for their alleged roles in last year’s hotly contested general election. This follows the recent handshake between Raila and President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The two leaders on Sunday formed a committee of 14 advisers to look into ways of uniting the country. The first agenda on the table appears to be calling an end to the product boycott imposed on Bidco, Safaricom, Haco, and Brookside.

Speaking during this year’s labour day celebrations at Uhuru Park, Raila said he had forgiven the four companies.

“Our supporters are now free to use products from these companies we’d asked them to boycott last year,” said Mr Odinga.

He added: “I did that because I was bitter with the outcome of the elections. We have agreed to work together with my brother Uhuru Kenyatta for the betterment of the nation.”

However, The NRM General Miguna has maintained that the resistance is still alive and urged supporters to disregard Odinga’s announcement.

He Tweeted: “Patriots, ignore @RailaOdinga’s purported “lifting” of the boycott against companies that are were involved in the electoral theft of 2017, the subversion of the rule of law and the constitution. He doesn’t own #NRMKe or the #RESIST movements! Continue the RESISTANCE! #RESIST!!”

In another Tweet, Miguna called Raila “Mr Betrayer.”

Here’s how some ‘patriots’ reacted:

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