The Hottest Stories on the Internet Today (Monday August 14)

August 14, 2017

These are the stories making headlines today.

We Got You: IEBC Proves Raila Faked Hacking Claims, Forged Log Files and Falsified Numbers

It was a sad day for democracy yesterday, after one side of the political divide attempted to subdue the will of the people, based on what has now been confirmed to be fabricated data.

“Mukutano Itakwisha” That Day Isaac Ruto Threatened To End William Ruto’s Meeting (VIDEO)

Law Number 1 – Never outshine the master. Law Number 3 – Conceal your intentions. Law Number 4 – Always say less than necessary. Law Number 7 – Get others to do the work for you. But always take the credit. Law Number 9 – Win through your actions.

Lawyer Donald Kipkorir Admits Uhuru Won Fair and Square

Flamboyant lawyer Donald Kipkorir has made quite a name for himself, specifically for consistently backing the wrong horse. A few weeks ago, he revealed that he backed Uhuru Kenyatta in 2002 in an election that was eventually won by Mwai Kibaki.

Charlottesville white nationalist rally: What we know

McAuliffe denounced the people who had come to this college town for a “Unite the Right” rally, saying they weren’t the patriots they make themselves out to be. “They get out of bed every day to hate people and divide our country,” McAuliffe said. On Saturday, McAuliffe told the demonstrators to go home.

Maduro’s son threatens to seize White House with rifles

The White House has condemned President Nicolás Maduro’s regime for human rights abuses. More than 120 people have died in anti-government protests since April. “Venezuela is not very far away and the people are suffering, and they are dying. We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible military option if necessary,” Trump told reporters at his New Jersey golf club.

Nigeria’s Buhari says he feels well enough to return home

Buhari said there was “tremendous improvement” in his health and that he wishes to return home, according to a statement posted online Saturday by the Nigerian presidency. “I feel I could go home, but the doctors are in charge. I’ve now learnt to obey orders, rather than be obeyed,” he is quoted as saying.

Usain Bolt’s agonizing track farewell

Bolt took the baton for Jamaica in third place but within a few strides he had fallen to the ground, clutching his left leg, as host Britain secured a shock gold ahead of a United States team containing Justin Gatlin.

24 killed in post-election violence in Kenya, group says

The victims included a 9-year-old girl, according to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. Relatives said the victims were shot dead in various parts of the nation, including 17 in the capital of Nairobi, the group said.

Facebook finds a way into China

It’s dubbed the Colorful Balloons app, and, according to the Chinese app store’s description, it works similarly to Facebook’s Moments app. “Colorful Balloons can group users’ phone pictures and videos based on time, locations and characters. It can help you create albums and share them with friends and family,” the description reads.

Kenya election: Raila Odinga urges supporters to strike – BBC News

Kenya’s opposition leader has urged people to stay away from work on Monday over the disputed election result. Raila Odinga said it would be a “day of mourning for the fallen patriots” after a rally in Kibera, the largest slum in the capital Nairobi.

Barcelona 1-3 Real Madrid: Cristiano Ronaldo scores and sent off

Cristiano Ronaldo scored and was then sent off as Real Madrid beat Barcelona 3-1 in the Spanish Super Cup first leg. Gerard Pique slid Marcelo’s cross into his own net before Lionel Messi levelled from a penalty. Ronaldo, who was a substitute, scored the winner when he ran from halfway before smashing an effort home.

Why do Buhari, Dos Santos and Mugabe go to hospital abroad? – BBC News

The presidents of Nigeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, Benin and Algeria all have something in common – an apparent lack of faith in the health systems at home. In terms of time spent abroad getting medical help, Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, 74, is the first among equals, but in the past year all these heads of state have travelled overseas for health reasons.

The secret lab hidden inside a famous monument

“I’ll just open the hatch…” says Richard Smith, who is stooped over in the ticket office at the Monument. He’s examining the oak-panelled floor as though it’s hiding a secret chamber, as in an Indiana Jones movie. Above him, a desk is piled high with leaflets ” This is to certify that ________ has climbed the 311 steps of the Monument”.

The chameleon the size of an ant

Finding a mate in the giant world is challenging. It’s somewhat hazardous when you risk being run over by a millipede. The Madagascan dwarf chameleon ( Brookesia minima) was long believed to be the world’s tiniest reptile until a smaller species, Brookesia micra, was described in 2012.

Taylor Swift assault case: Judge throws out DJ’s lawsuit – BBC News

Pop star Taylor Swift has won a key victory in her court battle with ex-radio DJ David Mueller, who she claims groped her at a 2013 concert. Mr Mueller, 55, originally sued the pop star for $3m (£2.3m), saying she cost him his job. His claim was dismissed on Friday in a Denver court.

Neo-Nazi Website Praises Trump’s Charlottesville Reaction: ‘He Loves Us All’

President We must call evil by its name,” Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) Donald Trump is coming under fire from both sides of the aisle for his unwillingness to urged Trump, who had earlier told reporters that “many sides” were to blame for the violence in Charlottesville.

Trump’s Unwillingness To Directly Denounce White Supremacy Grows Conspicuous

WASHINGTON ― A day after white nationalist groups protesting the removal of a Confederate statue incited deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump still has yet to directly denounce them ― even as members of his own party assailed him for not providing leadership on the matter and White House officials scrambled to clarify his response.

Charlottesville Victim ‘Murdered While Protesting Against Hate’

The woman who was killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday when a car plowed into a group of anti-racist demonstrators was a 32-year-old paralegal who was passionate about social justice. Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, told HuffPost that her daughter attended Saturday’s rally because she “was about bringing an end to injustice.”

President Trump’s Reelection Campaign Releases Television Ad

WASHINGTON, Aug 13 (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign released its first television advertisement on Sunday, a 30-second spot that attacks Democrats and touts the accomplishments of his first seven months in office. The ad’s release comes amid intense criticism of Trump’s response to the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a planned rally by white supremacists led to violence that killed a counter-protester.

American Tourist Punched For Giving Nazi Salute In Germany

An American tourist suffered minor injuries in the German city of Dresden on Saturday morning after he was punched and beaten for repeatedly giving Nazi salutes. German police are investigating the man for violating the country’s post-1945 laws that ban the use of Nazi symbols.

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