West Pokot Woman ‘Resurrected’ by Prophet Owuor Speaks Up

July 10, 2017

Residents of West Pokot County were last week treated to a rare spectacle following the ‘resurrection’ of a woman at Cheparten village in West Pokot County.

Thousands of prophet David Owuor believers travelled miles to the village in South Pokot sub county to witness the resurrection of Mama Rosa Rotirakori who had allegedly died on 22nd June.

She was allegedly brought back to life by the controversial Ministry of Holiness and Repentance preacher.

The Nairobian reached out to Mama Rosa during thanksgiving prayers where she claimed that she had indeed died and resurrected.

She advised Kenyans to repent.

“I was to be buried last week, but I thank the Mighty Prophet Owuor for interceding for me. His prayers brought me back to life,” she said.

Her husband, Samson Rotirakori, added: “My wife was very sick on June 22. She became very weak and experienced difficulty in breathing.”

“By midnight, her situation had worsened and she was unable to walk and experienced a lot of difficulty in breathing. I called a senior pastor asking him to request a prayer from Prophet Owuor and immediately after the phone call, Rosa stopped breathing and stretched out her hands and legs.”

He went on: “At 12:51 am, I received a text message from Prophet Owuor saying, “It is well.”

Mama Rosa is now recuperating at the Moi Referral Hospital in Eldoret.

X-Ray scans carried out on her revealed that she suffered from pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis, according to radiologist Cornelius Chirchir.

“The lung had a bit of fluid on the left and the bones had rheumatoid arthritis,” said Chirchir adding that, “The other teams are still examining her.”

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