Kisii Villagers Reportedly Decline Burial for Resident Due to Lack of Participation in Village Activities

January 31, 2024

A church in Kisii had to step in and conduct the burial of a villager whose body had been in the morgue for three weeks.

This intervention became necessary after residents of Mokongonyoni village in Nyakoe ward, Kisii County, declined to assist in the funeral arrangements for the late Linet Kerubo, Citizen Digital reported Tuesday.

The villagers cited her lack of involvement in any village matters during her lifetime. At the time of her death, Kerubo was 33 years old, residing with her mother, Elmelda Otora.

In accordance with widely acknowledged traditions among the Abagusii, individuals residing with their parent(s), regardless of age, and if the parent(s) is actively engaged in village affairs, are considered active participants.

The publication reports that Elmelda had been actively involved in local affairs, particularly those related to death.

However, in Mokongonyoni, the residents hold a different perspective. Kisii-based journalist Rogers Gichana reported that the residents argued the deceased was above 18 years old and should have actively contributed to village affairs.

Reportedly, the Nyamataro PAG church, where the deceased’s mother is a member, had to intervene to settle mortuary fees and facilitate the burial of her body.

“This is strange. After these same residents saw that the church had taken the matter up, they wanted to take up the burial programme but the church said no. They had abandoned this family when it needed them the most,” Gichana reported.

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