‘Joho The D Minus Governor’: KOT React to Joho’s KCSE Results Full of Ds and Es

January 12, 2017

UPDATE: Joho has dismissed the result slip as a fake. Through Mombasa County Director of Communications, Joho stated that his name is not as indicated.

“His name is Hassan Ali Joho not Ali Hassan. That is fake,” said Chacha.

The quote – ‘results slip does not determine one’s payslip’ – could never be truer with regards to Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho.

The popular governor is without a doubt one of the wealthiest politicians in the country. Despite being linked extensively to the narcotics trade in the country, Joho has had an illustrious career as a businessman. He is the founder and pioneer of Prima Pest and Bins Limited, the first garbage collection company in Mombasa.

He is the founder and pioneer of Prima Pest and Bins Limited, the first garbage collection company in Mombasa. He is also the founder of M-tech Kenya Limited and East African Terminals.

On Wednesday, however, his education background came back to haunt him after a twitter user released a statement of Joho’s KCSE results slip.

The governor allegedly sat his finals at Serani Secondary School in 1993 and scored a mean grade of D Minus. Out of the listed 8 subjects, Joho scored 4 Ds and 4 Es.

Following the release of the results, the hashtag #JohoTheDMinusGovernor was trending for the better part of yesterday as Kenyans on Twitter reacted to the expose in huge numbers.

We have sampled some reactions below:

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