
‘Huwezi Nigonga’: KTN News Anchor Ben Kitili Hits Back at Allegations of Swindling Landscaper

January 18, 2017

KTN News anchor Ben Kitili has come out to respond to allegations spreading online that he conned a Nairobi-based landscaper three years ago.

A friend of the landscaper took to social media to narrate how Ben Kitili frustrated the landscaper’s efforts to get payment for her services.

She wrote;

“Rebecca is a very good friend to our family, she does landscaping atleast that’s what she calls it, if you hire her she will cater for all the materials required from her own pocket and then you pay her once the work is done plus labour. She has so many known clients in the society, the likes of akina maria of mother inlaw whom she said paid her so well after she did her job at her home somewhere along Thika road….if you ask me she is so good at what she does, she does a very good job!

Since she works for this people with cash, she doesn’t bother to ask for advance payment b4 work from the clients since she trusts people of that kind can’t have issues with paying dues, at least by then, but since the Ben Kitilis incident now she is required to ask for half her dues b4 she begins her job. Ben Kitili hired rebecca 3 years ago, according to her at that time there was something going on in tanzania, some sort of elections. Ben left for the coverage of that event for some days, when she was done she called him and let him know that she was done that he should do the necessary in terms of her payments, Ben stated that he was a bit busy with the coverage that she Shud give him a few days till he comes back home. Rebecca understood. She waited.

Ben was done with the event, he came back home, rebecca went to ask for her money, she found Amina, the wife, the wife claimed that it’s Ben to take care of her bills. Rebecca kept going for her money for days in vain. Now both Ben and the wife stopped picking her phone calls, she was blocked on Whatsapp and her messages went unreplied. All security men on that apartments were told to tell her whenever she comes that a nobody is in the house, Rebecca did nothing she just had to give up.. i never knew about all this until yesterday while watching Ktn news is when she pointed out that that man conned her. I felt so bitter and asked myself what is 20k for someone like Ben not pay her off 3 years down the line now, yet he gets paid each and every month generously by std group.

Anyone who knows Ben Kitili personally tell him to contact Rebecca and pay her her money that’s her hustle and that’s how she pays for her two kids school fees. I can’t call him names because I don’t know his side of story but since he is not picking any of our calls we assume he is the one who has issues, all i know is that he should pay roughly 20-25k. He has her number. Rebecca the gardener.”

Following the accusations, Ben took to Facebook to hit back and give his side of the story.

So I am receiving texts and calls left, right and centre that there is a half true story being discussed by some women (and men) somewhere on Facebook..that i should be worried about my reputation..should I be worried really?..look, there is something called value for money..if i am paying for a service and you provide a service that is below par I will pay for exactly that..it is how any smart person will do..should i accept to be conned just because I am on TV? Come on..i was born and raised in Nairobi..huwezi nigonga whether I am paying for nyanya at Wakulima market or paying for a taxi..this nonsense of thinking you can just overcharge someone because they are on TV needs to stop..and if you think that you can bully me with social media/internet just because I am perceived to be a “public figure” using a story which is 90% UNTRUE, think again..lets get back to work and do something constructive, shall we?.. “

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