RAW VIDEO: Magufuli Makes Unannounced Visit To Nyerere Airport and Asks for ‘Mkubwa’

May 17, 2016

magufuliTanzanian President John Magufuli made an unannouced trip to Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar, and made his trademark entry, “Nani mkubwa wa hapa?”
When this happens, you know things are thick.
Some scanning machines had broken down and have been like that for several months now.
Airport workers struggled to explain to him why the machines were not working and for how long. A few of them contradicted themselves with answers varying from two weeks to several months.
After a few minutes of interacting with junior officers, the airport director arrived and with a straight face said that the machines had been broken for only 2 weeks. That was after junior staff had admitted to the president that it had been several months. You’ll want to see how that ended.

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