“I am Single and Attracted to Women who can Make me Laugh” – Kenya 7s star Biko Adema

May 23, 2016

bikoGood news for the ladies out there. Kenya 7s rugby star Biko Adema is very much single and has outlined the qualities he finds most attractive in women.
Besides dating, Biko opened up to eDaily about his life growing up and rugby journey.
Here’s his story:
Where were you born and raised? Tell us about your siblings.
I am the last born in a family of two. I grew up partially in Kilimani, Nairobi. My family later moved to Upper Hill. After that we relocated to Karen. It is at Karen where I spent most of my childhood.
Which schools did you attend?
I went to Rudolf Steiner School in Mbagathi – that was from Kindergarten to Standard Five. I thereafter joined St. Mary’s School, Nairobi where I studied until Form Four.
Which games did you play during your childhood – and was rugby one of them?
No, rugby was not. I was mainly a football player. I shifted between striking and midfield in lower primary. I was also a sprinter; I took part in athletics a lot.
When I joined St. Mary’s it is when I realised I had talent in rugby. My brother was a star rugby player then. At the age of 12, I decided to have a go on rugby. I joined the junior team; and once I touched the rugby ball, and played the game; I never looked back. It became the love of my life.
People often perceive rugby to be very rough; and a player is likely to get injured. How does one make sure he remains safe?
It’s a contact sport; and you’ll definitely get those situations when you get knocks, bruises… But that is why you have to condition yourself. You train for those situations in the game; and you have to be conditioned to receive those hits, bruises and bumps.
Additionally, there are rules that govern the sport. If you play within the rules, there’s minimal chance of getting injured.
Can skinny people play the sport?
Rugby can be played by skinny men and women. Most players are well-built; but the sport can accommodate anyone. In the national team you have to be conditioned; but when you start out in primary school or high school, rugby accepts all types of bodies – short, tall; thin, fat; built… But the majority of players are well-built.
As you progress in the sport, you’ll obviously want to condition more and hit the gym more just to be able to sustain contact and physical part of the game.
You rugby players eat a lot, man! Is it a true perception?
(Laughs) Of course we eat. We tend to eat a bit more because we are always so active; we train a lot and engage in physical activities quite much. We definitely need to replenish that with some good food and nutrition.
You are one of the key players of the Kenya 7s rugby team. How did you work your way up the ladder?
The main thing is persistence. I have always committed to improving my playing style every day. I also got a lot of support from my parents when I started and even until now they have supported me very well.
Close friends and my brother have also played key roles in helping me become a good player. Consistence, as well, has made me remain relevant in the highly competitive sport.
Away from rugby, what do you do?
I work at the Banda School in the Sports and Physical Education department. I train the young children in playing different sports.
Which football team do you support?
You know in Kenya it is all about Manchester United or Arsenal; but for me, I don’t support any of those English Premier League teams.
I am actually more into the UEFA Champions’ League – and Bayern Munich is the team I support.
For long you have been perceived as a ladies’ man. Has it ever landed you in trouble with your partner?
No, but I get a lot of attention from the ladies. However, it has never gotten to me. I try keeping it focused and professional in whatever I do.
Most of the times I am quite shy. Ladies can be daring and it’s upon you to fall into their seduction or not. Some women can approach you with a lot of confidence and be so upfront in demanding from you what they want. I have met such kind of women.
Do you have a girlfriend? If yes, how does she take the attention that ladies give you?
At the moment I am single. However, when dating, your partner needs to understand the nature of career you are in. For me, I am in the limelight – so she needs to understand that at some point women will throw themselves at me; and it happens.
A good relationship is about managing that and respecting each other in the relationship. If you do cherish each other’s company, you will definitely find time to spend together and block out the things that are trying to affect your relationship; and look to strengthening it instead.
Who is your ideal kind of woman?
I definitely like somebody whom I can get along with; somebody who is comfortable with me in whatever situation and also who is good-looking, charming and ambitious.
I am attracted to women who can make me laugh and take things lightly. She should understand when it is to get serious and when it is to have fun; somebody who has moral values. She should have her future planned out.

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